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                        <a href="" class="thumb"><img width="290" height="290" src="" class="attachment-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="Who Will Marry Me Now?" title="Who Will Marry Me Now?" /></a>
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            <h2><a href="">Who Will Marry Me Now?</a></h2>

            <div class="post-meta">by <span class="post-author"><a
                    href="" title="Posts by Nisha">Nisha</a></span>
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                        class="post-date">Apr 21, 2014</span> <em>&bull; </em><a href=""class="comments_popup_link" title="Comment on Who Will Marry Me Now?">No Comments</a>             </div>
            <div class="post-content">Violence, justice, and a lot of talk of violence and justice. In the one year since the December 16 Delhi gang rape, young women across India have been thinking hard about their precipitous lives. But how precipitous are they, really? A Rashomon report on a Kurosawa year. Image Credit: MS Gopal __ &nbsp; Arvind remembered...</div>

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                        <a href="" class="thumb"><img width="290" height="290" src="" class="attachment-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="Decoding The Harappan Diet: What Did Our Ancestors Eat?" title="Decoding The Harappan Diet: What Did Our Ancestors Eat?" /></a>
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            <h2><a href="">Decoding The Harappan Diet: What Did Our Ancestors Eat?</a></h2>

            <div class="post-meta">by <span class="post-author"><a
                    href="" title="Posts by Nisha">Nisha</a></span>
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                        class="post-date">Apr 21, 2014</span> <em>&bull; </em><a href=""class="comments_popup_link" title="Comment on Decoding The Harappan Diet: What Did Our Ancestors Eat?">No Comments</a>             </div>
            <div class="post-content">The only kind of food writing I enjoy doing is the vaguely sociological kind. Here is my first venture into the definitely archaeological variety. &nbsp; One day in 2010, Arunima Kashyap discovered a garlic clove. A 4,400-year-old garlic clove. Kashyap, then 34, and her colleagues had been digging for two months by then. Sometimes, they...</div>

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                        <a href="" class="thumb"><img width="290" height="290" src="" class="attachment-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="The Pot that Broke Below a Hundred Other Pots" title="The Pot that Broke Below a Hundred Other Pots" /></a>
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            <h2><a href="">The Pot that Broke Below a Hundred Other Pots</a></h2>

            <div class="post-meta">by <span class="post-author"><a
                    href="" title="Posts by Nisha">Nisha</a></span>
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                        class="post-date">Feb 15, 2014</span> <em>&bull; </em><a href=""class="comments_popup_link" title="Comment on The Pot that Broke Below a Hundred Other Pots">No Comments</a>             </div>
            <div class="post-content">Towards the middle of Aaraam Thampuran, a 1997 movie with Malayali actor Mohanlal in the lead, the hostile villagers are steadily awakened to the true ‘noble’ roots of the bad man who has bought the big house. The villagers – and the audience – are given broad hints that he isn’t just the goonda from Bombay they thought...</div>

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                        <a href="" class="thumb"><img width="290" height="290" src="" class="attachment-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="Another Short Story: The Trinity" title="Another Short Story: The Trinity" /></a>
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            <h2><a href="">Another Short Story: The Trinity</a></h2>

            <div class="post-meta">by <span class="post-author"><a
                    href="" title="Posts by Nisha">Nisha</a></span>
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                        class="post-date">Nov 15, 2013</span> <em>&bull; </em><a href=""class="comments_popup_link" title="Comment on Another Short Story: The Trinity">No Comments</a>             </div>
            <div class="post-content">My new short story in &nbsp; When had I started carrying a white lace kerchief? We used to call those kinds of girls Kerchief Kumaris. We used to have names for everyone. And everyone had names for us. We were goddesses. Meena, Annie, and Nayantara. Even our names were like heroines. Meena and Annie...</div>

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                        <a href="" class="thumb"><img width="290" height="290" src="" class="attachment-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="In A Strange Turn of Events: I&#039;m In A Power List" title="In A Strange Turn of Events: I&#039;m In A Power List" /></a>
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            <h2><a href="">In A Strange Turn of Events: I&#8217;m In A Power List</a></h2>

            <div class="post-meta">by <span class="post-author"><a
                    href="" title="Posts by Nisha">Nisha</a></span>
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                        class="post-date">Oct 11, 2013</span> <em>&bull; </em><a href=""class="comments_popup_link" title="Comment on In A Strange Turn of Events: I&#8217;m In A Power List">1 Comment</a>             </div>
            <div class="post-content">I&#8217;m in the Femina list of India&#8217;s 35 most influential women under 35. &nbsp; PS: And in this TimeOut list &nbsp;</div>

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                        <a href="" class="thumb"><img width="290" height="290" src="" class="attachment-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="A New Short Story: Teresa" title="A New Short Story: Teresa" /></a>
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            <h2><a href="">A New Short Story: Teresa</a></h2>

            <div class="post-meta">by <span class="post-author"><a
                    href="" title="Posts by Nisha">Nisha</a></span>
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                        class="post-date">Aug 12, 2013</span> <em>&bull; </em><a href=""class="comments_popup_link" title="Comment on A New Short Story: Teresa">2 Comments</a>             </div>
            <div class="post-content">LAST NIGHT I DREAMT of Teresa again. My dreams are realistic. When I’m worried about money, I dream about money. When I need to pee, I dream of going to the bathroom. Teresa. Who will tell me why I dream of Teresa? I’ve only seen her alive for a few minutes. Never told anyone that I...</div>

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                        <a href="" class="thumb"><img width="290" height="290" src="" class="attachment-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="The Ladies Finger" title="The Ladies Finger" /></a>
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            <h2><a href="">The Ladies Finger</a></h2>

            <div class="post-meta">by <span class="post-author"><a
                    href="" title="Posts by Nisha">Nisha</a></span>
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                        class="post-date">Jun 10, 2013</span> <em>&bull; </em><a href=""class="comments_popup_link" title="Comment on The Ladies Finger">1 Comment</a>             </div>
            <div class="post-content">In college my friends and I ran a weekly paper called the Enthu Pataki. It was an addictive collaboration and I don&#8217;t think I ever had so much fun in journalism since. Straight out of college some of us hoped to run a version of Enthu Pataki for realz. We had meetings, lists, plans but...</div>

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                        <a href="" class="thumb"><img width="290" height="290" src="" class="attachment-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="What&#039;s so funny, girl?" title="What&#039;s so funny, girl?" /></a>
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            <h2><a href="">What&#8217;s so funny, girl?</a></h2>

            <div class="post-meta">by <span class="post-author"><a
                    href="" title="Posts by Nisha">Nisha</a></span>
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                        class="post-date">May 4, 2013</span> <em>&bull; </em><a href=""class="comments_popup_link" title="Comment on What&#8217;s so funny, girl?">No Comments</a>             </div>
            <div class="post-content">I&#8217;m a little baffled when people say feminists have no sense of humour. I&#8217;d be less surprised if someone told me feminists laugh too much. To me feminism is not the reasoned explanation that follows after I&#8217;ve stopped laughing. It is the reason I&#8217;m laughing. However, I do sympathise with male and female amateurs who...</div>

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                        <a href="" class="thumb"><img width="290" height="290" src="" class="attachment-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="A new short story: The Singer and the Prince" title="A new short story: The Singer and the Prince" /></a>
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            <h2><a href="">A new short story: The Singer and the Prince</a></h2>

            <div class="post-meta">by <span class="post-author"><a
                    href="" title="Posts by Nisha">Nisha</a></span>
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                        class="post-date">Apr 29, 2013</span> <em>&bull; </em><a href=""class="comments_popup_link" title="Comment on A new short story: The Singer and the Prince">No Comments</a>             </div>
            <div class="post-content">&nbsp; Thrilled to bits to have a short story in the very cool and utterly self-possessed American magazine nplusone. It begins thus. &#8220;How did the singer meet the prince? In all stories of love, we must know how the lovers met, how they met again, how they almost missed each other and, sometimes, how they...</div>

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                        <a href="" class="thumb"><img width="290" height="290" src="" class="attachment-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="The Martian Sends Postcards Home" title="The Martian Sends Postcards Home" /></a>
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            <h2><a href="">The Martian Sends Postcards Home</a></h2>

            <div class="post-meta">by <span class="post-author"><a
                    href="" title="Posts by Nisha">Nisha</a></span>
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                        class="post-date">Apr 3, 2013</span> <em>&bull; </em><a href=""class="comments_popup_link" title="Comment on The Martian Sends Postcards Home">No Comments</a>             </div>
            <div class="post-content">&nbsp; Turn up at Ranga Shankara one evening. You are given a topic. 24 hours later, you hand in a script for a 10 minute play. You watch as your script is assigned directors and actors by lottery. Two days later you turn up and watch slack-jawed as the whole shebang goes live. 3 Kannada...</div>

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                        <a href="" class="thumb"><img width="290" height="290" src="" class="attachment-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="An Offal Love" title="An Offal Love" /></a>
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            <h2><a href="">An Offal Love</a></h2>

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                    href="" title="Posts by Nisha">Nisha</a></span>
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                        class="post-date">Apr 3, 2013</span> <em>&bull; </em><a href=""class="comments_popup_link" title="Comment on An Offal Love">No Comments</a>             </div>
            <div class="post-content">&nbsp; When we were children living in Palakkad,” my friend said, “my mother used to drive to Coimbatore to buy English vegetables like cabbage.” This is one of many grudging responses I heard when I evangelised about my fantastic culinary experience in Coimbatore. Two weeks before setting out from Bangalore, I’d have been among the...</div>

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                        <a href="" class="thumb"><img width="290" height="290" src="" class="attachment-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="This month in Elle: Why I Write" title="This month in Elle: Why I Write" /></a>
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            <h2><a href="">This month in Elle: Why I Write</a></h2>

            <div class="post-meta">by <span class="post-author"><a
                    href="" title="Posts by Nisha">Nisha</a></span>
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                        class="post-date">Apr 3, 2013</span> <em>&bull; </em><a href=""class="comments_popup_link" title="Comment on This month in Elle: Why I Write">No Comments</a>             </div>
            <div class="post-content">&nbsp; (In March, Janice Pariat, Tania James, Supriya Dravid and I were featured in Elle. We each have a short piece about why we write. Here&#8217;s mine) 1. My nephew is telling me a story. He is 3 and a bit. Currently the story (Joycean in length and references) is about Monkey. In a few minutes you...</div>


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